


  1. Australian. a boisterous party or celebration.

The knock on the door is like the crack of a whip at the circus–loud and arresting. This week it bellows a tone of timidity, nauseating me.

Landis and Minnie are incessant. I know it’s them before I even turn around.

This is their Friday night ritual.

I begin to rub my temples, ready to feign some illness worthy of Continue reading

Hoi Polloi


hoi polloi

1. the common people; the masses (often preceded by the).

One glance from my third story window is enough to propel me out of my dorm room and across the campus with glee toward my 8 a.m., class.

While the morning fog is a deterrent for some, for me it’s an open invitation.

Like a welcomed smokescreen for a fugitive who is on the run, the thick fog obscures my view of other students, allowing me to stay in my own world for just a bit longer.

Most of the time I speed across the green, breezing past the hoi polloi with their expensive backpacks and bags, their canned laughter that hides insecurity beneath a Continue reading