


  1. lacking adult sophistication: immature

Her callow portraits would never suffice, but he flipped through her work with a pleasant smile, nodding as she spoke about her inspiration.

In all honesty, David felt as if he would prefer drawing her more than listening to her bubbly musings, but he turned each page and stuffed his disappointment lower within himself.

There used to be a time when beautiful young women were more interested in him as a man and less interested in his opinions of art and his methods. But he was living the reality of becoming a prolific artist and growing older.

It was opening night for some of his more recent work being shown at the Strathem Gallery in his hometown.

In the midst of his conversation with his agent and the gallery owner, he’d seen the lithe brunette across the room looking at him intently. When he caught her staring more at him than his artwork, Continue reading



1. a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another; secretary.


Sarah lengthened her strides as she paced back and forth. Her hands were clasped behind her back as her mind whirled with ideas and activity, breaking down the problem and rebuilding the solution.

Things needed to be changed, but she seemed to be the only one who noticed and worse yet, the only one who wanted to speak up about it.

“We’re going to to have an honest conversation about what we consider acceptable around here,” Sarah said matter-of-factly. “Life was meant to be lived Continue reading